When I speak of My(Sages), I speak ofintuitive communication.
Get in touch with animals, in order to understand them better, to understand their emotions, or following an unusual event,There are multiple reasons why this experience is desired.
Your pet perceives you without the filters.He is able to communicate hisvisionin the present moment.
This implies that he will communicate to you, by mon intermediate, his emotions, his living conditions, what he likes or dislikes...in his own way. To moi to transcribe it to you as faithfully and accurately as possible.
This bond we have to the animal issacred. By having this experience you will feel in your heart how right what is happening is if you have accepted to hear without fear what he wishes to share with you, for your common evolution.
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From experience I can say that of theirMy(Sages), emanate all their wisdom of heart, their devotion to us, their patience, their attention, their unconditional love.
It's aexperienceextraordinary in any case!
It happens (rarely) that animals do not wish to communicate, for reasons which belong to them at this moment. Maybe later or never, that remains their choice.

Human beings live in a natural environment with which they have sometimes lost contact.
In recent years, and this going crescendo, the world has witnessed a powerful outpouring of solidarity in the face of animal abuse, a sensitivity and almost a blatant necessity in the face of their protection.
Since January 28, 2015, the animal is mentioned in the Civil Code no longer as "movable property" but as "sentient being". This recognition clearly echoes the new attention paid to the "living" by scientists and intellectuals, but also by Man in general who is visibly increasingly aware of his interdependence with Nature.
Theanimal communication is clearly part of this approach of respecting, listening to and protecting animals.
Are we so distant from each other? So different? Apparently yes but inside what about?
See article published on the website L'International - Development Magazine:
"Popularized in California at the end of the 1970s with the publication of "Animal Talk" by Penelope Smith, intuitive communication with animals quickly became the subject of a craze in the United States and then in Europe. First animal interpreter ( animal communicator) official, Penelope Smith claims to be able to communicatetelepathicwith all animals, to be able to treat them by this process and maintains that his technique is within everyone's reach. The many testimonials from convinced pet owners make Penelope Smith very popular.
At first few in number, the number ofanimal interpretersprofessionals exploded in the 90s. The courses whose purpose is to learn the techniques of telepathy with animals are very successful. Alongside the American pioneers Carole Gurney, Marta Williams, Teresa Wagner or Jeri Ryan to name a few, new references in the emerging European field: Laila Del Monte, an internationally recognized professional in animal communication whose internships are experiencing a success never denied; the German Ulrike Dietmann, specialized in intuitive communication withhorses; veterinarian Anna Evans, who sees in this "possibility to communicate and meet the animal world" a unique opportunity to improve thewelfareanimals.
In 2001, Arte broadcast a documentary on man's attempts to communicate with animals, in which renowned biologists and scientists such as Jane Goodall and Boris Cyrulnik, but also Penelope Smith intervene; in 2009, TF1 broadcast as part of its program "La soiree de l'étrange", a report devoted to the animal performer Ariane Troubat and her work with the mare of professional rider Constance Menard; in 2010, as part of its "Extraordinary Investigations", M6 broadcast the report, "They talk to animals!", devoted in particular to the work of Anna Evans, Laila Del Monte and Marta Williams; in 2014, France 5 broadcast the documentary "In the skin of animals", which presents the work of Laila Del Monte. "