" Thehorseis a good teacher. Not only for the body, but also for the mind. "
"Develop la horse performance through animal communication."
All athletes fromHigh levelhave a team around them to optimize the chances of achieving their objectives in the best conditions.
The different professions such as coach, le Physiotherapist the physical trainer are there tosurround the athletethroughout his career. Sophrology is also a common practice in the support of top athletes, for the mental and emotional part.
So why not thehorsessport?
This is when animal communication becomes an ally. Through my skills and my capacities as an interpreter, I become a "mediatorbetween the horse and you.
I'm goingto transmitall the information necessary for the horse to evolve in the best possible way, while being respectful of what it is and what it can give in the moment.
Nothing is stronger, more moving than being present in theevolution of the relationshipMan-Animal,to participateawareness, approach and experience another vision of the animal world. I become your athlete's mental coach!
Having recourse to animal communication allows the horse-rider couple:
Improve thestrengthsmental and physical
Face the competitions, races with more thanserenity
To understandand overcome physical and mental blockages
Checkthe physical and emotional state before an event
To preparelife transitions (retirement, purchase-sale, reform, transport, reproduction, etc.)
Adjust theneedstaking into account the animal's point of view
Be in collaboration
Improve understanding,communication/ inter-species dialogue.
Make the choice of animal communication in aequine coachingis totally avant-garde, but isn't everything constantly evolving? Why deprive yourself of such an opportunity if the results are convincing?
If you have someGoalsprecise, let's talk about it for an atailor-made support.
Find the proposed Mes(Sages)...

It's possible ! »
A major asset to facilitate very delicate and stressful phases of life for them.
Support can be provided for:
*The stallions, preparation for the transition to the first mating, during the breeding season
*Broodmares throughout the breeding phase until the weaning of the foal
* Foals, from birth to weaning, up to breaking in and pre-training.
*Preparation for sales for yearlings, stallions, broodmares, and all disciplines combined.
If we basically give it thebest conditionsdevelopment in their racing, sporting or leisure career, we work with a vision ofanimal wellbeingmaximum.
I have often seen behavioral problems on horses that had kept adysfunctional memoryof their birth or of weaning years later.
I then decided to commit myself toeducate breeders, the owners to this little known practice to this day, and especially its usefulness in the life course of a horse!
ACTIVE STABLE -(being updated...)